Beeswax is a natural wax produced by different species of bees. The hive worker bees collect and use it to form cells for honey-storage and larval and pupal protection. Scales of wax is secreted into the hive. The wax is initially colourless but becomes opaque after getting mixed with pollen brought in by hive worker bees. It becomes yellow or brown on getting mixed with pollen oils and bee saliva.
When honey hunters extract honey, they cut off the beeswax cap from each honey comb cell. The colour varies depending on the amount of pollen and bee saliva and the type of flowers gathered by the bees. The beeswax must be melted and filtered to remove the impurities.
The use of beeswax is widespread and varied. It is mainly used to make candles and as an ingredient in the cosmetic industry as a substitute of paraffin wax.
In the Nilgiris, the indigenous communities used to discard beeswax in the forests while going for honey hunting. Over the course of multiple training sessions conducted by Keystone Foundation, the honey hunters have realised the value of beeswax, so much so that the price obtained for beeswax is more than that of honey.
Aadhimalai collects beeswax from the indigenous community. The beeswax is processed and used for making hand rolled candles, soaps, balms and lip balms. The soaps come in different fragrances ranging from jasmine to basil. The lip balm flavours include mint, vanilla, strawberry and pine apple.

We also make balms which are used for medicinal purposes. The different variations include:
– Coconut balm for feet cracks
– Citronella balm for repelling insects
– Lavender balm which can be used as a solid perfume
– Eucalyptus balm which is used to clear cold
– Camphor balm for headaches